Blog Interviews

Interview with Renowned Hyper-Realistic Artist Dirk Dzimirsky

Posted by Admin on Mar 23, 2016



When it comes to realism, there are a handful of incredible artists around the world that push the envelope and today in our Mad Artist Publishing studios we're chatting with German hyper realistic portrait artist and traditional artist Dirk Dzimirsky (

Dirk is a traditional artist based in Germany who’s drawings represent and capture not just the physical attributes, but the inner essence of the subjects he draws. Dirk's collections are on display at any given time in USA, England, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France. His clients include Stern TV,  Elomech GmbH, i&u TV Produktion, Konstant Marketing.

Marcin: Hi Dirk, let's start from the beginning, how did you get into this profession?

Dirk: Well, I am a freelance artist located in Germany. Although I used to make art since early childhood I started relatively late as an artist. I started doing mainly private portrait commissions, but since 2007 I am concentrating mainly on my own free works.

Marcin: You’re kind of a celebrity portrait artist, how do you feel about that?

Dirk: Actually, I don't see myself as a portrait artist. I feel more affinities to artists like Chuck Close or Richard Phillips who paint portraits but are far from being portrait artists. I have worked as a portrait artist before but really feel that I left that field years ago in spite of my main subject still being the human face.

Marcin: Were you always interested in art as a child, how did you fall into it?

Dirk: I used draw since childhood. Just everything, from cartoons to realistic pieces. And I was very early interested in portraits.

Marcin: Did  you study art in school or did you have natural talent?

Dirk: I am self-taught. 





Marcin: Did you or your family have hesitations about making a living as an artist? 

Actually yes. I never never had the situation that I was financial backed up by someone so it was almost impossible to start as an self-employed artist. It was a very slow process. 

Marcin: Do you remember your first paid assignment and how you got it?

Dirk: When I was 12 our school had an open house day and I drew life portraits for visitors. That was my first income as an artist.

Marcin: Do you have one image or project you are most proud of? 

Dirk: I am only proud of the image which I am about to start next.

Marcin: Have you ever missed a deadline?  What were the consequences?

Dirk: On commercial projects I have never missed a deadline.

Marcin: Are artists under rated in your opinion or are there too many of us?

Dirk: Maybe they are under rated because there are too many of us. I always wonder why the majority of artists are starving while the business around them makes a healthy income on them. I can only explain it with the fact that a lot of artists just overrate themselves actually.

Marcin: How do you promote or advertise yourself or your business?

Dirk: Through my website and newsletter. I have additional profiles on different websites. I also published a portfolio book. I do not do much mail promotion because I live in Germany and my main market is in the USA.


Marcin: If you could draw anyone or anything who or what would it be?

The question is already the answer. It would be great if I could just draw anyone I come across on the street whose face fascinates me.

Marcin: What tools do you use the most, do you always work in a big format?

The detailed works are pencil drawings on paper on a rather small format. The larger stuff on canvas is done with charcoal.

Why are you so darn good? How do you achieve the level of realism?

Dirk: Thank you. Of course, there is no short answer to that question. Here are some things to keep in mind: To get an image alive you need to have a functioning tonal value relationship. Work on the whole image and build it up slowly. Not everything needs to be drawn equally, by neglecting unimportant areas you automatically heighten other parts. That's also how you can lead the viewer's eye and create visual interest. 

Marcin: And on average, how long does it take you to do a piece? 

No matter what format I use it turns out that the detailed stuff takes me 30 hours on average. 

Marcin: What are the most challenging things about being an artist? 

Dirk: To keep up with my own high aims. 

Marcin: What would you say is the worst thing about being an artist? 

Dirk: Nobody tells you what to do. 

Marcin: And the best thing?

Dirk: Nobody tells you what to do. 

Marcin: Do you ever do digital renditions of portraits?

The computer is great in saving time and money on commercial projects. But overall I am a traditional artist and not too much interested in digital art.

What advice do you have for somebody who wants to pursue a career as a traditional artist vs. digital artist? 

Dirk: I believe, you have to be good in traditional techniques to be good in digital art. If you are into commercial art the market will show you which way to go, then.

Marcin: If you couldn’t do art, what do you think you’d be doing?

I'd write songs and make music.

Marcin: Since you are on top the world sort of speak, what’s next for you?

I am nowhere near the top. What's next? More hard work.

Marcin: What is your greatest fear?     

Dirk: I can't decide on my greatest fear and there is not enough room here for all of them.

Marcin: What talent would you most like to have?     

Dirk: I can't sing at all. That's something I always wished to be able to do.

Marcin: Which 5 words would your friends describe you as?

Dirk: An artist has friends?

Marcin: Lol... what is something you’re still learning then?

Dirk:  Every time I start a new image I want to learn new things. That's why I change something each time I start a new work.


Marcin: What top 3 websites do you visit most?

I noticed that changes. Sites I visited most often last year are not even bookmarked anymore.

Marcin: If you could work for any company out there, which would it be?

As a book and magazine junkie any company in the publishing  industry would do. 

Marcin: I’ve been asking my guests this recently, If someone asked ‘how can I be the next Dirk Dzimirsky?’ What would you tell them?  

Dirk: Is it already time for a next Dzimirsky? I have not even done my best works. And I am not dead yet!  

Marcin: In history books, what would you want people to read about you?  

Dirk: Something like "during his lifetime he led the Top 100 list of the wealthiest artist ever for many years in a row" would be nice.

Marcin: Once that happens, I’ll be very thrilled that I had a chance to interview you. Thanks for chatting with us. For more about Dirk visit & . 

Dirk: Thank you for the invitation.



artist interviews interviews with artists marcin migdal interviews marcin migdal mad artist publishing hyper realistic paintings dirk Dzimirsky Dzimirsky artist art of dirk Dzimirsky