Mad Artist Publishing puts illustrators, artists and animators on the lap and laptops of agencies that hire

Posted by Admin on Mar 22, 2016


Only a couple of years ago, authors and artists believed that they should never have to pay to have their work published and the artists sat around waiting to have their work discovered. However, this has changed in the recent years due to technology and an increasing number of self published titles being created by independent authors and an influx of art shown on websites like Facebook.
Mad Artist Publishing was launched in 2011 assisting talent in promotion and employment opportunities. Since then it's published some 50+ books, worked with celebrity artists and has been endorsed by the likes of Adobe, Wacom, Rolling Stone Magazine, Der Spiegel Magazine and more.
It seems to be turning the publishing and art promotion industry on its head. IT IS THE PLACE TO GO IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A CHANCE TO BE DISCOVERED AND GET SOME NEEDED CREDIBILITY AS AN ARTIST.
While Mad Artist it is primarily helping creative people get noticed, promoted and hired, it also has freely available tools and services to writers and anyone that wishes to have their own book made, published and printed at extremely affordable prices or FREE. It has recently introduced a new partnership with BookPushers that allows any person to turn their artwork portfolio into a book and have it designed, published and sold for free. They even give you royalty on the sales. All you need to do is have your friends help PUSH your Book TO SHELF via your profile.
You no longer have to wait to be recognized by a publisher manages thousands of authors who doesn't specialize in your type of work. You now have the full power to become a published and credible author and illustrator with a finished, professional book available to your fans. No matter who you are, where in the world you live, you can use the BookPushers on Sketchoholic to make your book and have it published for free. 
Register on  and try out the service now, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


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